Children's horoscopes

Children are our teachers. They have great wisdom – a kind of wisdom that we long ago buried deep inside of our selves. Yet children do need guidance in this world of phenomenal matter. In these times of profound change shaking the traditional structures of society to the core, we are responsible for keeping up spheres of safety and a nourishing environment for our children to be able to develop trust in life. They need to learn to see the probabilities in life, and choose them, rather than getting overwhelmed by the enormous challenges that we inherited from our parents, and that we will most likely pass on to them. More than ever before, it is important to recognize our children, to acknowledge their wisdom. It is important to see the essence of their being and let them be. Whatever you tell your children that they should do in life, they will be much more influenced by what they take note of in the outside world by themselves, by what they observe, i.e. by what you actually do in life, how you act in life. Children are excellent observing strategists.

This special personal analysis individually drafted from the astrological content of the horoscope of your child will provide you with tremendous information on the developing personality of your child. It will show your children’s gifts and talents and how you can support your children in fulfilling them.

– Please note that a children’s horoscope is available in German language only.

When ordering a children’s horoscope, please indicate the time of birth as exactly as possible. In Germany, information regarding the exact time of birth is available from the hospital where a child was born or at the civil registry office. Moreover, the exact time of birth may be indicated on the birth certificate. Please do not rely on information referring to the exact time of birth that you as the mother remember now or – in case you order a children’s horoscope for somebody else’s child – that is given to you by the mother or a nurse or midwife that were present at the time of birth. All of them were quite busy at the moment of giving birth so astrological experience shows that it is advisable to rely on an officially registered time. If you do not know the exact time of birth, and also do not know where the official time of birth is available from according to the local practice in your country, please check into this matter first and then use the time that you deem to be as exact as possible in light of the given circumstances.

Children's horoscope (available in German language only) Order form

Please indicate

the exact time of birth

and the place of birth.

Please indicate the information marked with a  *  in any case. This information is essential for processing your order. Thank you.

The price for one children’s horoscope amounts to EUR 95. The horoscope will be sent to your address/e-mail address upon receipt of the total amount of your order on the following bank account:

IBAN: DE86700202700037762148

If you wish to receive a paper printout of the horoscope please check the corresponding box above. Please then add printing, postage and handling costs of EUR 12.50 to the amount of your remittance (EUR 12.50 for one horoscope; EUR 19.50 for two horoscopes; EUR 24.50 for three horoscopes; when ordering more than three horoscopes EUR 24.50 plus EUR 5.00 per additional horoscope).

Please remit the total amount of your order to the bank account as indicated above. Upon receipt of your order and upon receipt of the total amount corresponding to your order you will receive an e-mail with the ordered horoscope(s) attached. If you have ordered the horoscope as a paper printout, you will receive it by regular mail.

Of course you can also print this order form and send it to the address as indicated in the website credits.